Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I'm Back

Hey There!!,
Well lots to talk about. Well to start i flew into rapid city about 11:30. Spent the day with president and sister layton. We went out to dinner at a "mexican" restaraunt then they sent me on a bus to Gillete, WY. It was a three hour bus ride. The bus was packed with people there wasn't one seat open. Then the people on those buses are NUTS! There was a guy next to me who sang "row row your boat for three hours straight. Another guy was flirting with this girl who wanted nothing to do with him. There were people who got kicked off the bus for smoking in the bathroom. Its pretty sad actually. But oh well. I want to tell President to never ever ever ever send me on a bus again. Its crazy! But it was alright. Wright is the smallest town I have ever been in my entire life. There is a subway and then a bar and one apartment building which we live on guess what? the 3rd level. My knee has been been getting pretty sore. Im making sure I dont do too much. I am taking care of it. Im now senior companion/designated driver. So, thats alot of fun. Elder Haskings is a good guy. I got calls so much. For about a day straight I got calls from all the elders in the mission wanting to say hi and tell me they love me. I love this mission. I am so grateful to all these elders. I love it all. But we arent teaching alot of people so far. We hope to improve that alot. The thing with wright is that the mine runs the town. about 80 percent of our ward is miners. So, one week they are off the next week they are on. So one sunday we see one group. The next sunday we see the next. So, its deffinitly a challenge. Then with tracting we usually run into angry miners who just got off graveyard shift. So, not much we can do there.
But, Elder Haskings says he cant keep up with me. He says that I am just what Wright needs. A boost to get it back on the map. The place has so much potential. We deal with alot fo divorces, affairs, people who feel they were messed over. The bishop isnt the most friendly guy. But he is okay. The ward really is great though. Great people. I know brother benedict told you but yes, I am a certified roofer. Me and Elder Hastings helped Brother Hanson roof his mud room. Next is the insulation!! :) its a blast.
We have been working hard. This morning we did weekly planning and had a great companionship inventory and got to talk to each other alot about what is going on in our lives. After that he asked me for a blessing. I am really starting to like him alot. He has been here for three transfers and will probably be leaving after this transfer. I just want to work hard and serve the lord! :) I am very happy to be back in the field.

Every p-day we drive up to Gillete which is about 50 miles away. We hang out with all the elders up there. Yesterday we had a blast up there. We drove up on sunday night after night sacrament. Yeah you heard me right. Our ward has night sacrament. The miners who couldnt make it to regular sacrament. We hold a night sacrament for them. It is really a special meeting.

So wright, nothing like sheridan. Its a small little town. It has one subway. A steakhouse. A gas station. "grocery store/mall/health clinic" Its pretty funny. On friday the whole town seemed to be gone because of the football game. The panthers were playing. High school football is a big deal here. They lost by one point to lovell. But we plan on getting ourselves noticed atleast here in wright by attending the football games every friday. In 2005 wright was hit with a tornado that destroyed about 200 houses. Seeing that there was 205 houses (just kidding) But it really devestated the town and really humbled the town.

The work will continue I will be a missionary and my savior has need of me. The work will prosper. Continue in each of our lives the zeal to serve. For my personal study this morning i was reading The Teachings Of Spencer W. Kimball. In there he stood strong on the face that. Missionaries are not RESPONSIBLE and again i repeat that MISSIONARIES ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE TO FIND PEOPLE TO TEACH. We have to because we would not have anyone other wise. But open your mouths share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Share the message that has changed your life FOREVER. People are searching to be as happy as each and every one of us. BUT!! How can they if they dont have a friend or a family member, employee, boss SHARE that with them. I will reiterate the words from Elder Bednar. "Missionary work isnt just temporary, ITS FOREVER. How great is it to have an eternal family. Pretty awesome huh? Yeah! Well let others have what you have. As a personal representative of Jesus Christ and an Annoyer of the Advesary (my favorite) STAND UP! AND ANNOY SATAN WITH US. We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We have taken the name of Jesus Christ upon us at Baptism. Lets stay strong and serve him with all our heart, might, mind and strength. One of my favorite thing to tell Elders is we are 50,000 strong (missionary wise) Why not be 14 Million strong. The lord needs each and every one of us in his service. "we are all enlisted"

I love each and every one of you very much. for all who reads this recomit today that you will open your mouth and share the gospel of jesus christ today! I want to receive emails of you sharing the gospel. Please share this message. So many need and want what we have. They are hungering.

I love you all.
Your Missionary,
Your Elder,
Your Son,

Elder Michael Corey Rudd


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