Monday, August 8, 2011

Email 8.8.11

Chello Mi Familia,
Well holy moly! The story that I sent you is in the church news!! Elder Barkers mom sent him a copy of the church news and it is a whole page spread "The work rolls on in the South Dakota Rapid City Mission" Cool Huh?! But yeah, some crazy conditions up there in minot and guess who gets to go on Thursday Afternoon! :) Elder Rudd & Elder Barker are on their way up to Minot, ND to help with the horrible flooding. So as the article said its about 119 in those houses its going to be super humid and super hot. But we are excited for the experience to be there in minot and to help all those who stand in need of help. Only about 375 of the people had flood insurance and their is about 4000 houses that were damaged. So sad. But guess who was first on the seen and the biggest force in Minot. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! So Cool! I love to be able to help!!
So I had an awesome experience yesterday. In sacrament we confirmed Demy Lyons since she was baptized yesterday. Then I got to pass the sacrament and then I got to ordain adrian to the aaronic priesthood! It was a powerhouse priesthood day!! :) SO awesome!! I loved it. I am so excited. SPeaking of adrian. You know how we have a Rudd plaque that says families can be together forever or whatever can you make one for the Munoz family and send it to me por favor, if not its okay but I was just wondering and if anyone would like to. Also, scriptures if anyone wants to do that too, the three of them need scriptures like the bonded leather ones are pretty cheap, I know everyone always asks me but I am just throwing out some ideas. If anyone wants to. But adrians ordination was so cool. I loved it. It was such a powerhouse circle. It was me, elder barker, bishop, president tew. It was so awesome. :) I am so happy.
By the way the demy who got baptized on saturday. We met with her on tuesday me and bishop and she asked us a question "what happens if I am in love with a missionary?" She hardly knew barker so we thought it was me and we were like dangit! But now we find out its barker. YAY!! :) But she got baptized for the right reasons! DOnt worry. But yeah. its pretty dang funny.
This thursday 40 missionaries will be in Gillette staying the night! The whole casper zone and the whole gillette zone will be staying in gillette. We will all wake up and head to rapid at about 6:30 in the morning. So we will have about a ten car convoy driving to rapid city its going to be sweet and we will be leading the convoy! Oh yeah! :) But the funniest thing is that we will be driving right through Sturgis. Sturgis MotorCycle Rally is the biggest rally in the world. Sturgis is a town of about 5,000 people and it is invaded by 500,000 people every year. Its so funny. Its so crazy and wild that we have to pull our missionaries from Sturgis and Spearfish and put them in Rapid. So its pretty funny. But insane! But we will be driving through the heart of the lion!! :) Even Gillette is pretty bad, its pretty close to rapid and all of that.
It will be a really fun Tri-Zone conference! Yay! It will be my last one! THAT IS SO WEIRD! Elder Bruce D. Porter of the Seventy will be there and we will be instructed by him and then next month ELDER RUSSEL M. NELSON will be here!! SO cool. We are being so blessed. Its just awesome. I cant wait to be there with everyone. I love this gospel so much! :)
I got like the coolest call yesterday! DO you remember Clair Bourke in Sheridan? She was like my favorite in sheridan. Me and Elder Barker were building some shelves for a lady in the ward and we got this call I answered it and she said elder rudd its clair! I freaked! Its so cool. So she moved back to sheridan and she was like well I decided to go on a mission!!! SHe is a single lady about 35 and she decided to go on a mission! How cool is that!!!She is so pumped. So next monday we are heading up to sheridan for district meeting and all that jazz. SO we are going to meet up and go to lunch. I taught her daughter in casper and her daughter just had a baby and her daughter isnt a member yet.. she wants me and some former elders to help bless the baby. Holy buckets I love being a missionary! Its such a party!! I never want to go home. :)
Wow, I am with you mom. Lets all move to Wyoming. Its great. Ya'll will love it! I promise. I cant wait to show you all of my kingdom. I think when I come back and see all the people I am not going to like it. But lets all move out to wyoming Yeah! :)
I know this church is true with all my heart. I want to share a simple testimony. I know its true. I know the book of mormon is the word of god. I know Joseph Smith was a Prophet and that he did Restore this church by the power of god. I know thatMy savior jesus christ lives. We have all of these things and so much more because... Heavenly Father wants us to be happy! So...BE HAPPY! You are a member of the lords true church. I love you all so much!!
I love you.
Elder Michael Corey Rudd
Elder Michael Corey Rudd
Zone Leader, Gillette Zone
South Dakota Rapid City Mission

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