Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Email 11.21.11

Its another crazy day in the South Dakota Rapid City Mission as always but the good news is that it is pday! Gotta love it
Right now we are hanging out at the mission home. We have to go pick up Presidents family at the airport in a couple hours and President is on his way to casper. So, we get to do it. We have so much fun!
I got numbers done pretty early last night I was pretty impressed. I was really happy. Got done about ten o' clock. So it was really good.
I am going to tell you about some people. It is always so hard for me to explain all of these people, who they are and how they are doing.
Djaye and Joe. Djaye is a recent convert. She is 19 super super cool. Just an awesome girl. Joe is 22 return missionary and going to the South Dakota School of Mines (They specialize in enginering) he went on his mission to Michigan. I met Joe like a year ago at my first Zone Leader Council. They met and now they are getting married in the Salt Lake Temple on December 20th. Super Excited for them. Then they will come back and have a reception here in Rapid. (joe is from utah too) But it is super super cool. Djaye has such a solid testimony too. She is just awesome. They want to hide us and take us to Salt Lake with them for the Sealing. We had a plan that we would go on "exchanges in casper" and just keep going. But oh well. Super cool though!
Siobahn- She is doing well still struggling with Priesthood Authority with her. She is definitley socially converted right now for sure. She loves the church so much. But we are trying to work with her on Spiritual Conversion. We went to her 9 year old daughters basketball game. Had a blast and she did not care one bit that everyone was staring at her because she was with us. She introduced us to her parents and everything so things are going well but we hit a road block!
Ron & Wendy- We hit a road block with them as well. Cant quite get to meet with them or get them to church. Wendy is going to cut our hair today so that will be way good. We are excited. I am defintely going to get her daughters address and number for sure. I would really like whitney to go see them. I want her daughter to write her testimony in a book of mormon then send it to me. Then we can double team this effort and get them in the water :)
Kassi Blue- Doing awesome! Came to church. Loved it! Met a ton of people. We had her over at the McCormicks house (2nd Counselor) had like 25 people over had dinner and just partied! (If it sounds like all I do is party its true, I love rapid) But we got her introduced to so many and we ended with a testimony circle. Everyone shared their testimony. SO SWEET! She was crying, we were crying, everyone was crying. Djaye is like now her best friend. She is so done. in the water by the end of december for sure. :)
Denise- Oh man, she is awesome. She is doing wonderful. She has had alot of temptations to drink but she says no way, I'm getting baptized! She is so awesome. So excited! We meet with her like twice a week and have the members working on her hardcore. Baptized in two weeks! December 3rd!!!
The Mission had a good week. Just good. We had 6 baptisms. But we invited 83 people to be baptized and ALL TIME HIGH. Super good. We are starting to Understand our purpose as missionaries for sure. Our purpose is to invite others to come unto christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in jesus christ and his atonement, repentance, baptism, recieving the gift of the holy ghost and enduring to the end. So the more we invite the more we understand. We are to be exactly as the savior taught. The savior would not wait until the 83rd lesson to invite them. The very first lesson he would invite them to follow him and be baptized. So the more we do that the more we become the saviors missionaries and represent him. It has been really interesting to see the mission numbers every week and to see how each zone is doing and each individual missionary is doing. I have never felt so much stress but, I have more love now for all the missionaries.
Sounds like Thanksgiving will be a blast. We picked up another dinner on Thanksgiving too. HOLY BUCKETS! I miss the Rudd thanksgiving it was always so much fun. I enjoy it.

Mom, that is always the hardest thing for me, looking back and looking at everything my savior has done for me and knowing that there is no way that I can fully repay him the only thing that I can do is to serve him. It shows me how unselfish he is. He wants nothing in return all he wants is use to come live with him and our father in heaven for ever. He has shown us the way. For those of you who are not following the savior. DO IT NOW. On my mission I have had no patience for those who are putting themselves in this whole Get up and go!!! Follow him!! Go to church! Read your scriptures! Pray!! The things are not hard. WE MAKE THEM HARD! If we are not doing them of course our testimony will fall. By small and simple things great things shall come to pass. That is the same for satan too. By small and simple things we FORGET to do. Satan has us by a tight grip. Do the small and simple things. The lord is not asking us to move mountains. He is asking us to be better today than yesterday. please wake up and get back on board!
I havent had a soapbox for a while that felt good! :)
I still have the gps.
I love you very much
Elder Michael Corey Rudd
Assistant to the President
South Dakota Rapid City Mission

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